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Unentangled Page 15

  Swooning almost.

  Like mother, like daughter, - I admit readily.

  Spending Christmas with Lucas and our parents is like fulfilling a dream you never knew you had and only realizing it once you start to experience it. We spend cozy, snow filled evenings by the fire, our parents taking turns reminiscing about when we were younger, telling tales about each of us. As I sit listening to the stories, with Lucas's arms wrapped around me on the sofa, I feel completely at peace.

  I push away any thoughts that I’m slowly allowing myself to give up my prior future plans.

  Something that I had always promised myself that I would never do.

  New Year’s Eve arrives and we spend it at Niagara Falls, watching the fireworks after dinner from a private boat that Lucas had hired for the evening. As I stand there with Lucas’s arms wrapped around me, feeling the happiest I have ever been as the last of the fireworks finish up, he murmurs, “I have a New Year’s surprise for you.”

  Laughing softly, squeezing his arm that is around my waist, I reply, “You are going to spoil me! I have nothing for you.”

  “This is as much for me as you,” he whispers seductively as I feel his arm tighten around me. “After all of these festivities, I want you to myself so I booked a vacation to Napa Valley for us. We leave next week.”

  Turning, surprise written all over my face, I wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tight. I feel only a little guilty that I still haven’t told him of my dream to move to LA, to open my own restaurant someday.

  Because it seemed that dream was slowly falling away from me.

  The truth was, lately, I had been questioning myself if it was still a dream of mine. And I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t something that still haunted me as much as it once did but occasionally, in the back of my mind, I would think about it. Wondering if I was capable of pulling it off doing my own venture, wondering if I would regret not following my dream at some point if I didn’t do it.

  I knew of so many women who had given up their dreams to be with a man while I worked in Toronto as I put myself through school. While they seemed to be doing okay, I had often watched them arrive to work - harried and harassed - their minds on overload from juggling motherhood plus being a wife all the while trying to hold down a job serving tables to bring in money to make ends meet. On a night out after one of the girls had mentioned she needed a break from her husband and kids and needing to dance, I had listened as they had at first talked lovingly about their family but then it had quickly escalated into how tired they were.

  How they wish they had followed the career paths they had dreamed of before settling down, having the husband, kids and a house behind a white picket fence. All of them had admitted their envy that I had stayed the course, attaining all that I had at such a young age and never letting a man interfere.

  If they could see me now, - whispers through my mind and I firmly push it away.

  The night before my parents are to return home, my mother and I take Quinny for a walk in the crisp night air, wanting a little mother and daughter one-on-one time.

  "Lucas is wonderful, Emma," mom says quietly as she walks next to me.

  I smile as I think of Lucas and nod my head in agreement as I reply softly, “Yeah, he is.”

  She is quiet a few seconds and then she probes, "Does he know about your dream of owning your own restaurant in LA?"

  Sighing heavily, I reply, “No.”

  We walk in silence for several minutes before she asks, "Have you had a change in your dreams?"

  I again sigh heavily as I admit truthfully, "I'm not sure. I never planned on Lucas."

  She nods, understanding.

  She takes a moment before she replies, "You can never plan for love, Emma. While I want you to still move forward with your dreams so you have no regrets later in life, I can understand how meeting someone like Lucas can set your dreams off course."

  She pauses in her walk, causing me to stop and look at her as she continues.

  "Life can never be planned despite the best planning efforts. The best advice I can offer you is to make sure that you can live with yourself in whatever choices you make,” she says. I know her advice is coming from her own life experiences and decisions. I know she gave up a lot to be with my dad and she had to work hard to achieve all that she has monetarily but I know it couldn’t have been easy starting a restaurant and inn in the same year she gave birth to me with no family support around her. I squeeze her tight to me, so very appreciative of her – of who she is as a person in addition to my mother – by never standing in my way or trying to direct my life.

  After dropping my parents off at the airport the following morning, Lucas and I immediately get back into work mode to ensure the employees are well prepared for our absence. As I board the plane bound for LAX, I can’t contain my excitement as I reach over and squeeze Lucas’s hand once we are seated. He sends a quick sexy grin my way and I can’t resist placing a kiss on his cheek. Snuggling into his side, I hold his hand as we each sip on a glass of wine during the flight as we share the earphones to watch a movie together.

  Like a kid in Disneyland, my eyes are wide open as we are chauffeured from the airport to where we are staying in a swanky hotel in downtown LA for the night. Lucas has arranged dinner at one of the high-end restaurants that he didn’t knowingly know were on my bucket list and I dine outside in the warm air on the most amazing food while the soft warm breeze blows against my skin.

  Grasping his hand as we exit the restaurant, I pull him to a stop before leaning up to softly press my lips to his for a light kiss.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against his lips.

  I feel his free arm snake around my waist, tugging me closer to him as he whispers back, “Stick with me. I have a few more surprises planned.” I giggle against his lips before kissing him lightly again. Our kiss deepens and I hear his breath hitch.

  Pulling back from me slightly, I hear him whisper intently, “I need to get you back to the hotel,” before turning from me to guide me, his anxiousness obvious, to the waiting limousine.

  The next morning, Lucas rouses me early as he stands over the bed, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Wake up sleeping beauty. Our driver awaits."

  Stretching, feeling so happy, I throw the blankets off my naked body before crooking my finger at him. Never one to turn down an opportunity, Lucas quickly strips before joining me on the bed, pinning me under him as he spears up and into me.

  Will I ever get enough of him, - I think to myself as I slowly come back to earth after Lucas had brought us both to the edge of the earth and back. Wrapping my arms around him, I squeeze him tight just before he pushes off me, taking my hand to pull me along to the shower with him.

  The driver is waiting patiently at the hotel lobby for us. He takes our luggage from the bellhop to store in the trunk as Lucas reassures him that we can get comfortable in the limo for the drive to Napa Valley on our own. As I slide into the limo, I feel my excitement mount. Lucas tells me along the way that he has us booked at a B&B which also boasts a spa and is located in one of the more popular vineyards. As rows upon rows of vines begin to take over the landscape, I feel myself leaning forward, my face pressed to the window like an eager child. When we pull up in front of the B&B, I allow my eyes to roam over the farmhouse style house that has been completely renovated.

  Someone is there waiting to greet us, and I immediately feel dark eyes scanning me from head to toe, causing me to flush uncomfortably. Lucas introduces him as Eric, the owner of the B&B and vineyard.

  There is no disputing that Eric is handsome in that traditional California way with his light blond hair and a body of a surfer.

  He also has that cocky surfer attitude.

  "Well, well Lucas. You finally brought a girlfriend. And I can see why," Eric murmurs appreciatively.

  "Down Eric, down. This one's a keeper," Lucas warns, his arm tightening around my waist, his body suddenly stiff.

  Eric holds up his
hands in faint amusement as he replies, "I get it. Hands off."

  Feeling even more uncomfortable from the exchange between the two men, I change the subject as I extend my hand to Eric to introduce myself. "I'm Emma Ivany. I work as Lucas's general manager at his new inn and restaurant."

  Eric's eyes don't hide his surprise as he glances quickly at Lucas before returning his eyes to me. Reaching his hand out to engulf mine in a firm, uncomfortable grip, Eric reveals, "Lucas didn't mention that you worked together."

  "Emma started with me in March. She was instrumental in helping me get the restaurant and inn up and running," Lucas interjects.

  "Ah. Beauty and brains. I can see why you are enamored, Lucas," Eric coos, his eyes boring into mine meaningfully as he lifts my hand to his mouth. I feel uneasy, and pry my hand from Eric’s as I feel anger beginning to radiate from Lucas.

  Finally, breaking his gaze from me, Eric's tone fills with warmth as he invites, "Come. We have our best room reserved for you."

  As Eric shows us to our room, I feel myself slowly relax a little from the initial encounter as he describes his operation along the way. From his description, it sounds as if it is twice the size of Reid Vineyard.

  The room Eric has chosen for us is decorated with a mixture of new and old. The traditional, wooden windows are still in place but flanked on each side with aqua toned curtains, reminding me of a tropical ocean. The bed is covered in the same color tone, with contemporary bed side tables that are topped with old English style lamps. Across the room from the bed is an original fireplace that has modern candle holders adorning it and the view from the room overlooks the sweeping expanse of the vineyard.

  While I like the décor, I admit that I prefer Lucas's more modern taste to this.

  "Lunch will be ready in half an hour, after which, there will be a tour of the vineyard along with some wine tastings. Dinner tonight will be in the main dining room and will be informal," Eric murmurs, drawing our attention back to him.

  "Thanks, Eric," Lucas says with forced politeness. He hasn't lost any of his anger. "We’ll be down for lunch shortly."

  Eric nods his head, the smirk on his face clearly showing he is unaffected by Lucas's anger.

  As soon as the door swings shut, Lucas exhales sharply saying, "I should have brought you somewhere else. Eric can sometimes be an arrogant ass when it comes to women. He thinks they are all fair game."

  Feeling relief that we are finally alone, I smile warmly at Lucas before wrapping my arms around him, to place a swift kiss on his sexy lips.

  "You have nothing to worry about with Eric, Lucas," I gently rib him.

  I feel the anger slide away from him as he wraps his arms around me. He tries to lighten the mood as he whispers, "I think you should show me."

  I grin as I reach for his belt buckle.

  We arrive fifteen minutes late for lunch and when we walk into the dining room, Eric's eyes collide with mine before sliding to Lucas. I flush as I know Eric knows exactly what kept us late.

  Lucas completely ignores Eric's look as he slides out my chair next to him on the right, leaving Eric on his left. I’m grateful for the space Lucas has intentionally placed between Eric and me.

  Eric becomes the gracious host as he once again tells me about the surrounding area and the many wineries.

  “So...tell me, Emma,” Eric purrs as his eyes move over me, dissecting me much to closely, “What did you think of LA?”

  I tense slightly.

  “I enjoyed it,” I reply, taking a sip of my wine to avoid his gaze.

  Eric has immediately picked up on my tenseness.

  “You seem a little hesitant. LA didn’t live up to your standards?” he pries and I know he is watching my face closely.

  “It’s her first time here. She never got to see much last night,” Lucas interjects.

  But Eric’s gaze pins me even more as he says, “Ah...then you need to come back here again. There is so much to see and do that you can’t squeeze it all into one visit. The restaurant scene is simply amazing, and for someone like you who clearly loves the food and beverage industry, it would be a shame for you not to come back and explore it more...leisurely.”

  I watch Eric, wondering what game he is playing. I realize I don’t like him much as he seems to be enjoying putting me on the spot, uncaring about how he is making Lucas feel.

  Surely there has to be more females around to taunt and chase other than me.

  Leaning back nonchalantly in his chair, a wide grin suddenly splits across his face as Eric asks, “Surely given all that you have done, you must of thought of starting your own restaurant at some point?”

  Blanching, my eyes bore into as I reply, “Maybe someday.”

  I instantly regret it.

  “Someday?” Eric asks, his gaze now speculative.

  If he only knew that was the question I have asked every day since seeing Lucas.

  “I’m not sure,” I reply uncomfortably. I feel Lucas tense next to me.

  Eric’s gaze bores deeper into me.

  “LA has so much to offer a budding restaurant entrepreneur,” he murmurs knowingly.

  The air thickens around us with silence, until finally, a few moments later, Eric changes the subject.

  Removing his penetrating gaze away from me to include Lucas, he says once again slipping easily back to his hospitable tone, “Our golf cart is waiting outside for us.”

  Unfortunately, Eric decided to join us for the afternoon and directs the tour himself. He seems to take great joy in focusing all of his attention on me and several times he tries to catch my direct gaze but I avoid it until finally he gives up.

  To make matters worse, Lucas has become quieter.

  I can feel his anger simmering just underneath the surface and I’m helpless to reassure him other than to hold his hand and squeeze it from time to time.

  Walking back into our room after the tour, Lucas turns to me as soon as he closes the door, asking in an irritated tone, “You wanted to open a restaurant?”

  Sighing, I reply, “It’s always been a dream of mine to open a restaurant in LA.”

  His eyes angrily search my face as he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It wasn’t something I thought I should tell my employer. I didn’t want it to keep me from getting the job at Reid Vineyards and since us...well...I haven’t really thought about it like I used to,” I reply softly, deciding to be honest. It was time Lucas knew. Whatever our personal relationship is or ever will be, he deserves to know about the thought always lurking around in the back of my mind of whether I still wanted that dream.

  Lucas holds my eyes and I see the obvious pain there.

  “Lucas, I never withheld it to hurt you. I never had us in the plans when I first started dreaming about it and right now, I’m not even considering it as an option for me,” I whisper.

  He sighs heavily, and holds my eyes. I can see that he is struggling with what to say to me and I tense waiting. But then he is reaching out to me, pulling me into him.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers into my hair. “I never expected Eric to make a play for you otherwise I never would have brought you here.”

  I relax into his body while tightening my arms around him as I whisper in reassurance, “Eric is not even on my radar.”

  That evening, I dress in a tight black floor length dress that clings to my every curve with a scoop neckline that highlights my cleavage. When I walk into the dining room on Lucas’s arm, I immediately want to turn around as Eric's gaze travels over me, stopping pointedly to rest on the tops of my breasts. I can clearly tell he is mentally undressing me.

  I also know Lucas has noticed Eric's attention as well as his posture once again becomes rigid.

  "Emma..." Eric murmurs in an appreciative tone, as he stands to pull out a chair next to him. I feel Lucas bristle but I squeeze his arm in reassurance.

  "Thank you," I say in a polite tone to Eric as I release Lucas's arm to sit. A few tense seconds
later, Lucas sits on my other side.

  Thankfully, at that moment a few more guests arrive and Eric's attention is taken up by entertaining them, leaving me alone to gently trace soothing circles on Lucas’s leg underneath the table.

  As the evening unfolds, I find myself unwinding as I meet some of the other guests, enjoying the delicious food placed in front of me along with the selected wine pairings. It also helps that Eric has directed all of his attention to the other guests throughout the meal. Eventually, Lucas unwinds a little as well and I feel his arm slip around the back of my chair casually, pulling me a little closer to him. I relax further and become even more involved in the conversation around me about grapes and wine, adding my own thoughts from time to time.

  As the meal wraps up, Eric invites everyone to his wine cellar for a port tasting but I decline, wanting to step outside instead to have a few moments to myself before I head up to bed. I encourage Lucas to go along with them and that I’ll be waiting for him once he is ready. He finally, but reluctantly, agrees.

  The fresh, warm air feels great as I walk along the wrap-around veranda. I stop and stare up at the moon, completely relaxed, feeling slightly heady from the wine I consumed with dinner.

  I can’t believe I am in California, the place that I had built my career path around.

  Would I still pursue that path? – I silently question myself.

  It’s an answer I realize I can’t yet give myself.

  "This is my favorite time of the day here," I hear a deep masculine voice say softly behind me, startling me.

  Turning, bracing myself, I face Eric.

  My heart flounders as my eyes search past Eric, looking for Lucas.

  But he is nowhere to be seen.

  "I was enjoying the peacefulness, the solitude," I say pointedly, coolness evident in my tone.

  He only grins confidently as he moves closer.

  "Point taken," he says, chuckling before continuing, "But I couldn't resist speaking to a beautiful woman on a beautiful night.”

  His words hang between us in the night air, making me uncomfortable.