Unentangled Page 3
I’m even semi hard now thinking about her.
“God, she looked so god damn good in those tight leggings,” I whisper under my breath.
Finishing my glass of wine while thinking of Emma the entire time, I resign myself to the fact that I acted like a jealous ass and treated Emma abruptly.
I reiterate to myself that tomorrow I will show her I'm not an ass. She’ll have no other option only to change her opinion of me.
When she arrives for work in the morning, I allow my eyes, for a brief moment, to run appreciatively over her as she concentrates on opening the heavy door to the restaurant. She has on another pair of tight leggings with a light spring jacket to help ward off the cool spring air and wearing minimal makeup, taking me by surprise that I prefer that over the heavy makeup of the women of my past.
Emma is without a doubt, a natural beauty.
"Good morning, Emma," I murmur quietly, watching her for her mood.
She hesitates briefly before crossing to where I’m standing in the middle of the construction zone of my soon to be restaurant, a polite, but indifferent, professional smile on her face.
"Good morning, Mr. Reid. Thank you once again for picking me up last night. I know it must have been a bit inconvenient." Her aloofness towards me is still evident. Gesturing to herself, she continues very politely and professionally, “I thought I would dress down today given we are in the middle of construction.”
I will break through that aloofness, - I silently promise her.
My heart races at the challenge.
"You’re dressed perfectly for this construction site but I’m warning you ahead of time, you will be covered in dust by the time you’re finished here today and be craving a shower.” My cock jumps, pulsating against my jeans, as my mind envisions Emma naked...in my shower. I clear my throat in an attempt to clear that image from my head. “I'd like you to start with reviewing the plans for the restaurant. Let’s head up to my office and we can grab a coffee before we start reviewing," I say invitingly. I arrived here this morning before anyone else, so that I could move the coffee maker to my office from the main construction area, ensuring that we would be in complete privacy. Lying to the construction crew that the coffee maker had somehow gotten broke was a small lie if it meant I could have Emma all to myself.
I had totally given up on the impossible idea of leaving her alone during the night when I had dreamt of her. She has somehow possessed me in the short period of time I have known her.
I may not know her well, but I want her...so bad.
I see her hesitation before she replies, "I thought Martha would be with me today."
Stung, I lose a little edge of the happiness I had felt upon seeing her walk through the door this morning.
"You’ll be working with Martha at some point but since I’m the owner, it only makes sense that we start you off reviewing plans and ideas with me, doesn't it?" I can’t help the hard edge that has entered my tone.
My direct question sets her back for a moment before she replies, "Yes, I guess it does make sense."
"You lead the way," I continue quietly, this time trying harder to keep the frustration from my tone, as I gesture for her to proceed me up the stairs.
Allowing her to walk ahead of me is absolutely the wrong decision.
Her ass is level with my face as I follow her up the stairs...
And I’m solidly rock hard by the time we reach the top.
Feeling like a bumbling yet aroused fool, I step ahead of her in the hallway at the top of the steps and try to get myself a little under control, praying she doesn’t glance at my crotch. Reaching my office, I swing the door open and gesture for her to enter as the smell of coffee greets us. As she walks past me, I close my eyes as her scent passes briefly under my nose, the coffee no match in downplaying the appeal of her scent to me. I clench my hands, forcing them to remain at my sides, instead of reaching out...touching her.
Closing the door behind us, I walk over to the coffee maker behind my desk and pour us each a cup of coffee. Laying it in front of her where she has chosen to sit in front of my desk, I watch as she stirs in a little cream and sugar.
The silence between us is heavy.
She finally lifts her eyes to mine and I admit quietly, "I didn't mind picking you up last night. I was actually worried about you and was only too glad to do it."
She holds my eyes for a moment before dropping hers.
Changing the subject, I turn and grasp the rolled-up plans and unroll them on my desk.
We get to work, sipping on our coffees, and as we discuss the layout of the kitchen, I can feel Emma slowly thaw and even relax a little.
Her knowledge impresses me as she makes an argument to change the location of the service station to move it a little closer to the kitchen. I watch her face, her lips, as she argues her point that the service staff need to maintain close contact with the kitchen because if it was at the opposite ends of the building, it would keep the staff separated during service, unable to communicate. She points out even more little changes that will make the flow of service easier. By lunch time, we have made the necessary changes to the plan. I offer her the portion of my lunch that I had packed in hopefulness of sharing with her. But she quickly declines and instead she heads outside. As I eat by myself at my desk, I can’t help but wonder where she has gone. After thirty minutes, she returns, looking refreshed and relaxed as we meet with the renovation foreman and electrical contractor followed by the plumbing contractor.
At the end of the day, she looks tired but still she offers, "I should get home to Quinny but if you want to work this evening, I can come back."
I almost jump at the chance to work this evening if it means being with her. But I know she is tired and needing time to settle in after her long day yesterday.
"No, that's fine. You take some time and get settled."
She hesitates before she asks, "If you’re sure?" But I hear the relief in her tone.
Nodding, smiling gently, I reply, "Yes, Emma. We’ll get back to this in the morning."
A smile breaks across her face as she replies in obvious relief, "Thank you. I'll see you then."
I return her smile and watch as she walks out the door, wanting desperately to go with her.
Knowing someday I will.
Chapter 3
Shutting the door behind me, I lean against it and take a deep breath, then slowly let it out.
That man radiates sex.
"Everything okay, Emma?" I hear a female voice inquire.
I hadn’t seen Martha walking down the hall.
Nodding, pasting a smile on my face, I respond, "Yes, couldn't be better."
Looking over my face, she asks, "Are you sure?"
Nodding as I step away from the door, I reply hastily, "I arrived here a little later than planned last night. I’m just feeling a little tired." The explanation sounded good to me. It didn't have anything to do with the incredibly sexy man behind that door.
"Lucas told me you had some car trouble. Do you need a ride to the cottage?" Martha asks with concern.
"Thanks Martha but I was up early this morning and took a taxi to get a rental until my car is ready tomorrow evening."
Now smiling, Martha changes the topic to work as she inquires, "How was your first day? Lucas didn't go too hard on you?"
Shaking my head, I respond honestly, "My first day was great. We went over the plans for the restaurant and we met with some of the contractors. I love being included in part of the planning stages and Mr. Reid was very open to listening to some of my recommendations. He even went along with most of the changes I wanted to make. "
Nodding, Martha replies in obvious affection, "Lucas is a very open-minded man. I’m glad you enjoyed your first day working here."
I take a few steps down the hall, liking Martha even more, as I toss over my shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Have a great sleep tonight, Emma, and I’ll see you
in the morning," she responds.
Heading down the staircase and out the door, I realize that my footsteps feel light. My first day had been very enjoyable, despite my unwanted and forbidden attraction. The fact that Mr. Reid was willing to listen and implement some of my ideas made me respect him even more as an employer.
What about that attraction you feel? – my mind silently taunts.
“It’s normal to notice someone as beautiful as he is,” I whisper admittedly under my breath, as I slide into the car.
Turning the ignition on in my rental, I pull out and head towards town where I make a quick stop to buy a few supplies. Forty-five minutes later, I’m pulling into the driveway of the cottage.
Taking my bags from the car, I step up to the front door. As I slide my key into the lock, I hear excited barking. Swinging the door wide, Quinny comes waddling over to greet me. Dropping my bags, I sweep her up for a hug.
She licks my face, making me laugh and keeping her in my arms, I take her outside to allow her to have a pee break. As she sniffs around, my mind wanders to Mr. Reid.
He was dressed today in jeans again but this time he had worn a polo shirt that bore the logo of his winery. As soon as I saw him this morning upon arriving at work, I had felt the immediate attraction again despite my reluctance to come face to face with him after last night. Then finding out that I was to spend the entire day with him had thrown me for a loop. After he had dropped me home last night, I had been dreading coming face to face with him this morning. His abruptness had made me feel stupid, as if I had done something wrong and all night I had wondered what it was that had upset him so much. It wasn’t as if I had asked him to pick me up. He had offered...no he had insisted.
But he had been a different person this morning. He had been very warm and welcoming when I arrived and I had once again been off kilter.
On top of that, all day I had tried to keep myself from watching as his shirt sleeves moved up his arms whenever he reached for something or drew the changes I wanted to make on the plans. My eyes, despite my brain telling me differently, were impossibly drawn to watch how the strong, defined muscles of his arms twitched and moved with his movements.
Making my fingers itch to drag my nails through the hair on his strong forearm, to gently trace the sinew of his muscles.
And that ass...in those jeans...
Quinny comes bouncing back to me after having relieved herself, startling me from my thoughts.
Physically shaking my head, I remind myself that thinking about Mr. Reid in that way was dangerous territory.
A fling with my boss would interfere with my work. It was a road that I was not prepared, nor wanted to, travel down.
Not ever.
I have goals and plans. An affair with the boss...
Nothing good would come of it.
Shaking my head, I bend and scoop Quinny up again to snuggle her close. Stepping back into the house, I try to force all thoughts of Mr. Reid from my mind as I unpack my groceries and then my luggage.
Thankfully, the cottage had come fully furnished allowing me to sell my furniture that I had in Toronto instead of having to ship it here. The only other items I needed to unpack were the few boxes I had squeezed into my car, which would have to wait until my car was returned to me.
I feed Quinny before preparing a quick meal for myself, feeling exhaustion overtaking me as I eat, but it is too early for bed. Taking the bottle of red wine I had purchased on the way home, I pour a glass and clucking to Quinny, we head outside. She follows along behind me as I walk slowly down a row of vines that runs along the road. The sun is soon to set and I decide to take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, to take in the wide-open space as I sit and then lay my head back against the earth. Quinny takes advantage of the opportunity and quickly crawls on top of me, settling on top of my belly. I stare up at the clouds and I wonder where this next step in my life will take me.
I allow my eyes to close as I listen to nothing but nature. I completely relax, somewhere between falling off to sleep and wakefulness until and a few minutes later, I feel a shadow cast over me, alerting me to the fact that I’m no longer alone.
With my heart racing with adrenaline, I open my eyes quickly and I look up into clear penetrating blue ones.
Startled, unable to sit up quickly because of Quinny, I squeak out, "You scared me."
Hearing a chuckle rumble from his chest before he sweeps down to pick Quinny up from my torso to allow me to sit up, I try to deny the instant desire racing through me.
"I was jogging and saw you out here lying down. I wasn't sure if you were okay, but obviously, you are," Lucas says, in complete oblivion as to how he just made my emotions swing from fear to instant lust, as I continue to lie on the ground, trying to right my world. Quinny is in his arms, enjoying how Lucas is giving her ears a rub in just the right spot, putting her in doggie heaven as her contented pug moans softly fill the air.
Finally, I find the wits to push myself to a seated position.
Suddenly, Lucas’s eyes zero in on my hair and then he is squatting before me, his hand reaching out, causing me to flush, my breathing to halt for a moment.
I feel a gentle tug on my hair as he murmurs, "You have a twig in your hair."
Pulling his hand back as he straightens up, he shows me the twig as he grins down at me, making my head spin once again.
I drop my gaze to the ground and grabbing my wine glass, I take a sip, wondering if I should stand or stay here. This man completely unsettles me.
Suddenly, startling me again, he drops to the ground to sit next to me, further setting me into a mental spin as he inquires lightly, "What are you drinking?"
I flush, trying to keep my eyes off him and failing. Sitting next to me in his running shorts, he has stretched out his long, powerful legs in front of him to place Quinny on top of them.
And I want to reach out and stroke my nails through the dark, coarse hair...
To slip my hand up underneath his shorts...
My mouth waters.
Refocusing on the glass in my hand, I respond self-consciously, "The Trius Red. I made a quick stop in town to grab supplies and decided I should check out one of your competitor's wines."
I hear him laugh as he teases me jokingly, "Ah ha! I caught you with the competition, did I?"
My eyes can't resist lifting to his face, his laugh drawing me in.
Men should never be as sinfully handsome as him, - is my only silent thought.
He chuckles again before he replies, "It's good to check out the competition. I do it all the time. Do you mind if I have a glass?"
Feeling like a fumbling fool, I nod as I push to my feet and walk the short distance into the cottage kitchen to grab a wine glass. I brace myself to deal with this stupidly hopeless attraction to him before I walk back out to where he has remained sitting with Quinny in his lap. I can hear her continued contented pug moans as I get closer. I watch as Lucas’s hands seems to know the exact spots to make her moan as I continue to make my way back to them.
I bet those hands know just exactly what to do, - I sarcastically think to myself. A man, who looks like him, and with his successes, surely has tons of experience.
Yet another reason to stay away.
Reaching Lucas, I sit next to him again and hastily grab the wine bottle. I pour the wine and purposely avoid touching his fingers as I hand him his glass.
"Thanks," he murmurs softly.
Nodding, not knowing what to say, I aim my gaze out over the rows and rows of vines.
Lifting my glass to my lips, I take a sip feeling Lucas watching me. I feel as if my heart is about to pound out of my chest as I allow the liquid to lay on my tongue for a moment.
Softly, he asks, “Do you know how to tell what grape you are drinking by just smelling the bouquet, by tasting the tiniest amount on your tongue?”
I shake my head as I lower the glass and swallow, my eyes going to him.
He is holding his glass at
the base of the stem and then it is my turn to watch as he slowly swirls the liquid before lifting the glass to inhale the bouquet before taking a tiny sip, allowing it to roll around on his tongue.
I imagine that tongue roving over my body, tasting and sampling me.
Lost in the image before me, I watch as he swallows, his strong jawline on display with his hair pulled back for his evening jog. I see sweat clinging to the base of his throat and my mouth waters again, wanting desperately to taste him.
I lick my lips and his gaze sweeps to mine as he murmurs seemingly promisingly, “Just one of the many things I’m going to teach you.”
My heart races...pulsing...beat for beat with the throb that has picked up between my legs. My body is on full alert with him so near, his words seeming to foreshadow everything I want this man to do to me.
Breaking eye contact, clearing my throat, I turn my gaze to the vines again.
I need to find safe ground.
"You know, in all the years I have lived here, I have never sat in the vineyard and enjoyed a glass of wine," I hear him admit in his sexy murmur a few minutes later.
Grateful that he has changed the subject of his teaching me things, I quickly blurt out, "I ate my lunch here today with Quinny."
"Ah. So, you came back here for lunch?" he asks.
"Yes, I had to take her out because I cut her walk short this morning to go into town to rent a car and knew I should check on her. I then decided to eat my lunch outside. It's very soothing out here," I amble on, wanting to keep our conversation – my mind – away from anything remotely sexual.
"I would have picked you up this morning," he says quietly.
Flushing yet again, I respond, "Thanks but you have done enough bailing me out."
“Last night was no problem," he replies instantly, his tone remaining soft.
Wanting to bring the subject safely back to eating in the vineyard, I glance at him as I say, "While I was here today, I thought of a marketing strategy of Lunch in the Vineyard. With your restaurant to open shortly, one of the menu items could be a picnic lunch whereby guests would receive a blanket along with their picnic basket, to sit among the vines and enjoy their meal while sampling a flight of your wines."