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- Katherine King
Unentangled Page 4
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Page 4
A smile breaks wide across his face, making my heart stutter, as he holds his glass out to mine for a cheers as he replies with enthusiasm, "I love that idea."
Clinking my glass to his, his delight making my heart light, my entire body feels as if it is floating. And despite myself, I feel myself relax.
We remain in the vineyard, an easy, relaxed and companionable atmosphere slipping between us as we finish the bottle of wine and continue with brainstorming more marketing ideas until the sun sets.
I shiver as the dark enfolds around us, prompting him to say, "I guess I should head back."
Nodding, I hold my breath, watching as he stands with Quinny tucked under one arm. He reaches his hand out to help me up. Unthinkingly, the wine and easy atmosphere making me forget to avoid any physical contact, I reach out and grasp his hand in mine. The electricity that shoots through my arm affecting my entire body has me quickly releasing his hand.
Swiftly, I bend over to pick up the empty wine bottle and our glasses to avoid his direct gaze.
"Bring Quinny and a packed lunch tomorrow. We'll sit outside, in the vines, and test your marketing idea," I hear him suggest behind me.
Straightening, I turn towards him. He is unknowingly beating at the barriers of my heart with that heart stopping invitation...that sexy inviting half grin. The last thing I need is to spend my lunch time with this man.
"Okay," I respond simply, not knowing how to get myself out of it.
"See you tomorrow...Emma," he murmurs in his sexy tone, his eyes seeming to caress my face before he lays Quinny down gently. He pauses when he straightens, as if he is about to say something, but then he turns, and picks up his jog. I watch him until he has disappeared into the surrounding darkness.
Leaving my mind to replay, over and over, the sound of my name coming from his lips.
Sighing, I look at Quinny as I admit, “That man even makes my name sound suggestive.”
Heading inside with Quinny trailing behind me, I lay the wine glasses on the kitchen counter and place the empty bottle in the recycling bin. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a number I don’t recognize displayed across my screen.
Hesitantly, I answer.
“Emma?" I hear a male voice ask.
"Yes," I respond.
"This is Dave," he pauses and then adds helpfully, "The officer who helped you out last night."
Laughing softly in reply, I confess easily, "I know who you are, Dave."
He laughs in relief as he says, "I was calling to let you know that your car is ready."
"Thanks so much for getting it towed for me," I say with meaning.
"Not a problem," he replies easily. "Do you need a ride to pick it up?"
"I rented a car this morning with the return to St. Catharines. I’ll swing by tomorrow after work to pick it up. But thanks for the offer," I respond.
"Oh. Okay then," he says, hesitating.
"Well, um, thanks again for doing that and calling," I say, starting to feel a little awkward with the conversation because Dave seems to want to say something but hasn’t.
"Like I said, not a problem," he replies.
“Okay...well thanks again,” waiting for him to say goodbye or state the other reason for calling.
He hesitates for a second again before asking, "I was wondering if you were interested in seeing a movie or having dinner some time."
I pause for a moment wondering how stupid I could be sometimes for not picking up on things like this. I was never very good at it.
Then intense blue eyes flash before me.
He’s your boss! Don’t even go there, Emma, - I silently remind myself.
Shaking my head to clear it, I respond, "Dinner would be great, Dave."
"How about after you pick up your car tomorrow evening? I could meet you somewhere in St. Catharines?"
"Sounds great. You pick the place because you know what’s good," I suggest.
"There's a great Italian place, called Johnny Rocco's, located on Merritt Street. See you there around 7:30?" he asks.
"Okay. I'll see you there," I respond.
Disconnecting from the call, I think about dinner with Dave. He had been very helpful and polite yesterday. After he had shown up to take the statements from the accident, he had noticed my flat and offered to change it. Finding the spare tire flat, I had wondered aloud as to how I was going to get to work in time for the morning. Dave had readily offered to drive me but I had felt bad. When Mr. Reid had called, I decided to take him up on his offer so that Dave could get back to work. But Dave had resolutely stated that he was staying with me until I was safely picked up.
Lucas... - whispers through my brain as I allow myself to silently call him by his name.
Seeing him pull up in his sexy black Jaguar had made me stop breathing for a moment. He had that ability to do that to me.
Sighing, I feel the tiredness that had disappeared when Lucas had shown up this evening, return. I have had a long couple of days. Picking Quinny up in my arms, I take her to bed with me where I quickly disrobe and crawl thankfully under the sheets, falling asleep immediately.
Chapter 4
With a bounce in my step, I get in my car and head towards work. I have always enjoyed my job but having Emma here has put extra pep in my step in my desire to get there.
Last night as we sat among the vines that my family grown and shared a bottle of my competitor’s wine, I felt that I made a break through with Emma. That she had forgiven me for my abrupt treatment of her from two nights ago.
And now I can’t wait to see her this morning.
Arriving at the restaurant, I unlock the doors, make coffee and then wait for Emma.
As the construction crew arrives one by one, I greet them, but always keeping my eyes trained on the door.
Today, I’ll be taking Emma to the processing plant and introducing her to my favorite part of being a winemaker. Walking through the vines, inspecting them to make sure they are progressing as they should, always brings me a sense of accomplishment and peace and I can’t wait to show her that part of my world.
Right at 9am, the door opens and my eyes immediately go to her as she steps inside with Quinny in her arms and a brown paper bag grasped in the other.
God, she looks so good, - I mentally salivate.
Dressed today in jeans with a heavy sweater, with her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun and sunglasses on to protect her eyes from the early morning April sun rays, she draws the attention of the other men in the room too.
I cross the room to greet her warmly as I murmur appreciatively, "Good morning."
She smiles in return, making my heart pick up its beat, as she replies easily, "Good morning."
She bends down to place Quinny on the floor before straightening to push her sunglasses up on her head. Her eyes are a clear, vibrant hazel this morning.
She is completely relaxed and I secretly rejoice.
Handing her a coffee in a takeout cup, I say with a teasing note in my voice, "Prepared the way you like."
She smiles gratefully as she takes it from my hand, teasing in return, "And here I thought I would be the one getting the boss a coffee. Thanks Mr. Reid."
I love her gentle teasing but addressing me as Mr. Reid doesn’t sound right.
"Call me Lucas, Emma. My father is Mr. Reid," I murmur quietly.
She loses her smile at my request to address me more familiarly but I choose to ignore it.
Someway - somehow, she will think of me as more than just her boss.
"Today I want to show you the wine operation side and take you through the vines," I say lightly, changing the subject. "We can bring Quinny along for the exercise."
I see her swallow thickly – uneasily - before she responds, nodding her head.
She doesn’t want to be alone with me, - I suddenly realize. It should make me unhappy but it doesn’t. I know she is trying to fight this attraction and I know if she
feels half of what I feel, it is useless to fight.
And I don’t have it in me to fight what I feel for her. Since the first moment I saw her, I wanted her.
It was simple.
It was definitely going to happen.
Pushing the door open to the restaurant, I keep up a constant chatter about the steps of making wine to help put her at ease as we walk the short distance to the heart of my family's operation.
As we near the warehouse, I spot my parent’s car parked in the usual spot.
"My parents are already here. Let me introduce you to them before the tour," I say, eager for them to meet Emma.
Opening the door to the warehouse, I lead Emma down rows upon rows of tanks as I follow my dad's voice to where he and my mother are speaking with our chief winemaker, Charlie.
"Lucas!" my mother says happily as she returns my hug.
"Well now. Who do we have here, Lucas?" my father asks, sticking his hand out immediately in a warm welcome to Emma.
"This is Emma Ivany. She is the new operations manager I told you I was hiring for the restaurant and inn. Emma, this is my mom and dad, Charlotte and William," I say, leaving my arm around my mom's waist. Gesturing to Charlie, I continue, “And this is Charlie, our chief winemaker.”
"It's nice to meet you, Emma," dad says, pumping her hand enthusiastically.
"Yes Emma, it is very nice to meet you," my mom says warmly when my dad releases Emma’s hand. Her knowing gaze comes to rest on my face at the end of her sentence. I squeeze her, warning her to keep quiet. I can’t get anything past my very observant mother.
"Hi Emma, it's nice to meet you," Charlie interjects, now taking his turn to shake her hand.
Smiling broadly, I explain, "Emma started yesterday and was great in helping me with the plans for the new space. I thought today we would spend some time here and take a walk through the vines. Trailing behind us here is her dog, Quinella,"
"Well Emma, you and Quinella are welcome to come explore and watch what we do here anytime," my dad says invitingly as he bends down to pat Quinny.
"Thank you but you can call Quinella Quinny. I shortened it after adopting her as an adult and she is used to it," Emma replies, back into a relaxed and happy mood as she watches Quinny lap up every bit of attention from my dad.
"This is a great time for you to start,” I continue, automatically picking up where I left off. “With the vines coming back to life after the winter, you will get to see the whole process. This facility you are in is where we sort and press the grapes after picking, then let them go through the fermentation process." Kissing my mother on the cheek, I drop my arm from around her waist as I continue, "I’ll take you around the rest of the building to show you the different areas before we head out to the vineyard."
"Enjoy the tour, Emma," my mom interjects, her smile broad across her face. I can tell she is delighted for me and likes Emma immediately.
Leading Emma away, I proceed to show her around our facility, explaining even the smallest detail as we go. My chest swells with pride as I watch Emma take in every detail. I had helped build this place and to now have a woman like Emma, a woman I was very much interested in, walking alongside me that has such an obvious enthusiasm for Reid Vineyards is intoxicating.
After picking up our lunches from where we had deposited them in the staff lunch room, we finally head out to the vineyard, with a blanket slung over my arm. Walking through the rows, I explain the different types of grapes we grow here and why. I watch her walk next to me in my favorite place in the world, stopping to ask questions about our operation, has my heart beating erratically.
Hearing her stomach rumble just past noon, I laugh and suggest we stop. She doesn't hesitate and helps me to spread out the blanket. Quinny immediately curls up on it and falls fast asleep.
Opening her bag, Emma says, "I decided to pack my lunch similar to what I envision will be in our picnic baskets."
"Always working, aren't you?" I say admiringly, wanting desperately to reach out and grasp her hand, tangling my fingers through hers just as tightly as she is tangling herself around my heart.
She tucks a stray hair that has fallen from her messy bun down against her cheek back behind her ear, as she smiles and replies, "I thought it would be a great opportunity to show you exactly what I would like to see."
That simple gesture and she has me enraptured.
Still smiling, I watch as she reaches inside her bag, pulling out a freshly baked white bun, along with a multitude of containers, laying them on the blanket.
"Obviously, we would package it a little better and use a picnic basket but here is everything I was thinking the kitchen could produce. I was also thinking we could include cheeses from some of the local producers," she says, focusing on taking the covers off each container.
She’s so very beautiful and I can’t wait to make her mine.
I continue to watch her, absorbing every little movement she makes, as she unveils a selection of cured meats, sausages, pickled carrots, asparagus and homemade pickles along with fruit, cheese and dark chocolate. The perfect pairing for any wine.
"I love your idea. We don't have to worry about anything getting cold and this all pairs well with wine. However, you did forget something," I murmur.
She looks up questioningly, and this time it’s her turn to watch as I reach inside my insulated lunch knapsack to pull out a 300ml bottle of sparkling wine and two glasses along with my now unappealing sandwich.
She laughs, as replies easily, "The wine is your area. I'll leave that to you."
Popping the cork off, I pour a small amount into each glass. Passing a glass to her, I hold my own out as I say, "Cheers to the beginning of your picnic idea. I love the idea. No one else is doing this around here."
She touches her glass gently to mine before bringing it up to her lips. I watch as the golden liquid flows slowly – savoringly - into her mouth. As I lift my glass to my mouth, I promise myself that someday I will lick the remnants of the golden, bubbly liquid from her lips as I savor her.
Under her spell, I watch as she reaches forward, choosing a piece of cured meat to place on top of a piece of bread she has broken off. I continue to watch as she brings it to her mouth, taking a bite, licking her lips to rid her mouth of the crumbs.
My cock stiffens, suddenly at full mast as I silently wonder what it will feel like when her lips are wrapped around me.
I take a large bite of my sandwich, trying to distract myself.
It doesn't help.
Oh Emma, how I want to lie you down right here and discover every inch of you, – I silently admit to her.
“I packed enough for the both of us,” she says, gesturing for me to help myself to her food.
If only she knew exactly what I wanted to help myself to.
"Your parents are wonderful," she continues, causing my mind to snap back, away from where my thoughts had travelled to pushing her back against the blanket, to feel her underneath me.
Swallowing thickly, I respond, "Thank you."
"From what I’ve read of your family, you were born here but your parents are originally from New Zealand and that your grandparents were successful winemakers. Why did your parents leave?" she asks, completely unaware of my inner turmoil, as she continues to sexily eat and sip on her wine.
I clear my throat softly, trying to temper my raging cock a little, before I respond, "They wanted to set out on their own, I guess maybe prove that they could make it on their own. They had heard about the Niagara region and came to visit. Without hesitating, they decided to build a life here. They bought this piece of property and planted their first vines about twenty-eight years ago." I love that she researched my family's history of the vineyard. "It was hard for them. They didn't understand the climate here and the first twenty years were a constant battle. When I graduated high school, I intended to move away and attend a business school in Toronto, but every time I thoug
ht about leaving, I would look at the house where my parents lived, look at how much work was needed just on that alone. The house was in extreme disrepair. It was nothing more than a shack. So, I decided to stay and convinced my parents to try different methods than what they were used to using back in New Zealand. It worked and here we are today."
"Wow," she says looking at me wide-eyed and with admiration.
Those lips of hers are just so sexy. I feel myself swell again.
"It must have taken a lot to give up on your dreams," she murmurs.
Laughing lightly, shifting to hide my erection, I shake my head as I reply, "I never gave up my dream. I didn't realize it at the time, but this is my place. It always will be. There is nowhere else I want to live, to build a life, and have a family so that maybe one day I can pass it down to my children."
Her gaze rakes over my face.
My cock pulses, pushing against my zipper.
"You have thought about having a family?" she asks, surprised.
Grinning at her despite my uncomfortable predicament, I ask in return, "You're surprised?"
"I read that you were bit of a playboy," she spills out, then flushes red at her admission.
Laughing at the flush across her face, I silently wonder how she would react to the fact that despite my playboy days, I’m sitting here in a vineyard, lusting after a girl like a schoolboy who didn’t know how to proceed to the next level.
I look into her wide eyes as I admit with honesty, "I enjoy the company of women. Yes, I play the field. But I was always too busy for a committed relationship in the past and the right woman had not come along for me. Now that I am twenty-eight, it’s a little different. I have sowed my wild oats, I know what’s out there and it no longer appeals to me as it once did. I want to settle down with someone that works as hard as me, to have kids with her and see my family walk through these vines, and give my parents grandchildren to spoil."
I hold her eyes, my heart now beating hard in my chest, until she drops hers away from me.