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- Katherine King
Unentangled Page 5
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Page 5
"How about you? I know nothing about you other than what is on your resume. Where did you grow up? Do you have any men in your life that has made you think about settling down?" I probe gently.
She starts to stroke Quinny, enthralling me further, as she reveals, "I grew up in St. John's, Newfoundland. As I mentioned in my interview, my parents had a small restaurant and inn. I began working there at the age of fourteen, unknowingly learning the ropes of operation but also learning to love it. I decided to pursue a career in hospitality and moved to attend school here in Ontario. My parents have since sold it and moved to their condo in Sarasota, Florida."
"Do you miss it?" I ask quietly.
Shaking her head, she says, "I miss my parents and the restaurant but now that they have moved, I don’t feel a need to go back there. Home is where your family is. Plus, I enjoy this," she says as she gestures, indicating the outdoors. "I love the shorter winters in Ontario, the spring, summer and fall. There is also more opportunity here. I had to leave."
"And what about my other question?" I ask, quietly.
"My personal life is not up for discussion," she responds testily but at least she looks at me directly.
"We discussed mine," I throw back at her.
Sighing, she reluctantly reveals, "No, there's no man in my life. I mean, I dated, but work has kept me busy, so other than the occasional fling, there has not been an important person in my life."
I have the feeling she is holding something back, but I don't probe more. I have the answer to my burning question.
She is single.
"I think we should get back to work," she says quietly before pushing herself to a standing position, causing Quinny to become alert and stand as well.
Ah. I was right. There is something that she is holding back.
Deciding to let it go for now, I push myself to a standing position. I’ll work past whatever other obstacle there is as long as she is not involved with someone.
Throwing the empty bottle and glasses back into my knapsack, I sling the blanket back over my arm and continue the walk through the vines.
As a winemaker, it is vitally important to walk through your vines at least once a week. It's the only way you know if your crop will produce well. Between myself, my parents and Charlie, one of us walks the vines at least four times a week.
We spend the rest of the day in the fields, with Emma always asking questions along the way, intriguing me more.
Appreciating her more and more.
Upon returning to the restaurant, I ask Emma, "What do you think of the winemaking process side of things?"
Her smile is wide as she replies genuinely, "I love it. It seems like a lot of work but I love the closeness it brings between you and your parents and I love that you get to spend most of your time outdoors. It is certainly no boring office job."
I grin back at her.
She will fit in perfectly here.
In so many, many ways, - I can’t help but admit to myself.
"I'm glad you enjoyed today," I murmur, loving how she is falling in love with my family's business. "But tomorrow we will begin focusing on the inn. It needs to be painted, decorated and furnished and I need your input. We also have to get you trained on the inn reservation software."
"I'm up for the challenge," she replies eagerly. "I would offer to stay and start at it now but my car is ready and I have to drive to St. Catharines to pick it up."
"Would you like some company?" comes out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop myself.
I see her blanch and I want to kick myself.
Too soon, you idiot, – I silently warn myself.
"Ummm...I’m meeting a friend for dinner..." she says awkwardly.
Feeling like a fool, but unable to keep myself from wondering who the friend is even though she has stated she is single, I try to reply easily, as if it is no big deal, "No problem. Enjoy your dinner."
She nods, clearly uncomfortable, and glancing over my shoulder to break our eye contact, she waves goodbye to the construction crew before turning, with Quinny following closely behind, to leave.
I let out the deep breath I had been holding.
I feel a slap between my shoulder blades as the foreman of the construction crew laughs and says, "That was bold."
Feeling like an idiot, I respond, "Yeah. I guess it was a bit bold."
"Don't worry, Lucas. She won't be able to resist those pretty blue eyes. Just try to keep your tongue in your mouth a little more when she’s around. You’re drooling everywhere," he ribs as he walks away.
Chapter 5
Picking Quinny up, I take long strides to where my rental car is parked.
What the hell was that? - I ask myself.
Lucas asking to keep me company had thrown me for a loop. It was as if he wanted to be with me and didn’t want the day to end.
My stomach drops.
Has he set out to make me his latest conquest? Surely, he doesn’t mix business with pleasure? He doesn’t seem the type given his dedication to his winery, - I can’t stop myself from contemplating quietly.
Mentally, I shake my head.
No, you are just way too highly aware of him, Emma.
All day, I unwillingly admit to myself, I had to keep reminding myself that he was my employer, and that my attraction to him had to be buried. Lucas had not once crossed the line with me or made any sort of advance. Yes, I was highly aware of him but what woman wouldn’t be around a man like him. But whatever attraction I felt doesn’t mean that it is necessarily reciprocated.
Plus, with Lucas being the womanizer that I read he is, I wanted to remain unentangled from him romantically.
I have a feeling he could quickly crawl beneath my skin.
This awareness of him wasn't appropriate and if I somehow allowed myself to cross the line, or even if Lucas was interested, it would likely not end well when the personal relationship was over, putting a strain on the professional relationship.
I needed to remind myself that any involvement with him outside a professional, working relationship wouldn’t end well and I needed to stay as far away from that as possible.
I couldn’t let my head be turned by any man, no matter how attractive, to take me off my determined career plans.
Lucas... - whispers, teasingly, through my mind as his penetrating blue eyes flash before me.
Seeing him today talking about his passion, strolling through the vineyards under his tutelage, watching his gentle embrace of his mother, has only made him all-the-more attractive to me. My mother always told me to watch a man with his mother. It would be an indication of how he would treat his wife.
Sighing, sternly warning myself that reminiscing about the day - about Lucas - would get me nowhere, I start the engine and back out of my parking space.
"How Lucas would treat his wife is of no concern to you," I berate myself aloud, in the car.
I swing by the cottage, feeding Quinny quickly before doing a quick makeup refresh of mascara and eyeliner. Heading back out to the car, I glance up, pausing with my hand on the handle as I hear a car approach. Lucas toots his horn, his hand held up in a wave of politeness as he passes by in his sexy, black Jaguar.
As if the man needed that car to make him even sexier.
I give a quick wave in return, unable to stop myself from watching until he disappears around the turn in the road leading to his place, my mind briefly wondering what it would be like to head home with a man like him at the end of every day.
Sighing, I get into my rental and head towards St. Catharines, unable to stop Lucas's image as he walked through the vines from playing over and over in my mind. He had stated the vineyard was his life, a part of him, and I could easily see that today. The pride and passion was clearly evident across his face and in his voice, as we walked.
The way he looked, and the way he made me feel as he spoke, made it very apparent that he was exactly where he belonged. His lust for what he
did was palpable.
I only hope someday that I would find my place too. My dream of living in California, opening a restaurant, sometimes seems so far away. So very unattainable. When Lucas had pried a little into my life today, I had held back from telling him about my California dream. I hadn’t wanted to tell my new employer that I would someday move on and that I was even now keeping in contact with a realtor in California, searching for a possible location.
I’m completely lost in my wandering thoughts and before I know it, I’m at the car rental agency. After dropping the keys at the counter, I take a taxi to the garage to retrieve my car before heading to the restaurant to meet Dave. I’m a few minutes early but I decide to see if our table is ready. If not, I’ll sit at the bar and sip on a glass of wine and soak up the feel of the restaurant as it’s one of the things that I love to do.
The table is ready when I arrive and I glance around the restaurant, making mental notes of what I like and don't like as I’m shown to the table and seated. It's also something that I naturally do every time I walk into a restaurant as I’m always searching for ideas and inspiration for my own restaurant. After placing an order for a glass of wine, my mind of its own accord, goes to thoughts again of Lucas.
His request for me to call him by his name had left me a little ruffled this morning. Calling him by his first name, out loud, was going to take some getting used to. Even though I allowed myself to refer to him as Lucas in my mind, calling him by his first name in a work environment made our relationship seem a little less professional.
Like I was giving myself permission to cross a line.
Which is exactly what I was trying to avoid. So, instead of using his name as he requested, I avoided calling him anything to his face.
He had been so relaxed and happy in the vineyard this morning. His eyes had easily and honestly reflected his pleasure when I had shown him my picnic lunch idea. For a moment I had forgotten that he was my employer and had lost myself to enjoying the simple pleasure of sitting on a blanket next to the most handsome and sexually alluring man I have ever met.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I hear a male voice interrupt my thoughts.
I didn't realize I had been totally absorbed in thoughts of Lucas, as I stroked the stem of the wine glass, his blue eyes flashing repeatedly through my mind, completely missing Dave’s approach to the table.
Plastering on a smile just for Dave, I lift my head and tell a small white lie, "Thinking about my work day."
With his blond hair pushed back, as if he had just run his fingers through it, showcasing his brown eyes and dressed in jeans and a shirt that fits his muscular body well, he looks different dressed as a civilian. There's also no doubt he’s handsome.
But not as distractingly hot as Lucas with his confident, sex appeal... - spins through my mind, unwanted, making me flush.
Dave leans down and presses a quick kiss to my cheek, murmuring softly in my ear, "Sorry. I had to sneak in a kiss some way after that reaction to my presence. You look amazing."
I redden even more when I realize that Dave mistakenly thinks he’s what caused the heat in my cheeks.
He had been the furthest thing from my mind.
"How has the past two days been at your new job? No trouble with your surly boss?" Dave inquires as he pulls out his chair before placing his napkin across his lap.
His reference to Lucas being surly after spending the past two days with him makes me smile.
"The past couple of days have actually been really great and I’m glad that I took the job. I’m pretty sure I’m going to love it," I admit, deciding to keep any mention of Lucas out of the conversation. He’s already on my mind more than he should be. I don’t need a discussion with Dave to keep Lucas at the top of my mind throughout dinner.
Taking my hand from the stem of my wine glass, Dave links his fingers through mine as he says softly, "I'm glad. It means you plan to stick around."
I smile gently at Dave and resolve myself to focus on him. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date and Dave seems to be someone I could possibly be interested in.
The evening passes quickly and I find myself enjoying his company, his easy banter. As we finish our meal and paid, my phone dings in my purse with a text. Distractedly pulling it out as Dave continues to tell me a funny story about an elderly lady he had pulled over for speeding, I quickly glance at my phone.
My heart gives a quick thud before skipping a beat.
Lucas: Text me when you get home. Worried about another flat or accident and want to ensure you’re safe.
His concern warms me and I flush yet again.
"Emma?" I vaguely hear Dave say my name.
Lifting my eyes from my phone screen, I realize Dave had come to the end of his story and was waiting for a reaction from me while I was gushing inwardly over Lucas's text.
"Sorry, a work text came in,” the white lie slips out easily.
"No problem. I know bosses, especially new ones, can be sometimes demanding," Dave replies, smiling widely in understanding. Pushing back his chair, he crosses to my side of the table to help me guide my chair back.
Outside in the chilly night air standing next to my car, Dave admits quietly as he takes my hand, "I would like to see you again."
Nodding, I agree because the evening had been enjoyable.
"Maybe next time I could come to you?" he softly suggests.
"I’d like that," I murmur in agreement.
He pulls me to him to place a light kiss on my lips, lingering a little before releasing me.
"I’m working the next three evening shifts. How about I take you to dinner in your new town after that?" he asks, smiling with his arms still around me.
I nod as I reply, "I'll text you my address."
He releases me to open my car door and I climb in. I wave to him as I pull out of the parking lot and begin my drive home.
Arriving at the cottage, I pull my phone out of my purse as soon as I have put my car in park.
Me: Home
Lucas: Good. Now get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow.
Me: Thanks for everything.
There's a moment’s pause between our texts and then,
Lucas: I like having you here.
I stare at the screen, my heart feeling as if it is spiraling out of my chest at his words.
“Don’t read anything into it, Emma” – I whisper warningly to myself.
I stare at the screen, wondering how to reply before I chicken out and don't respond.
Even when he is not near me, he has the ability to make me quiver.
Shaking, I lay down my phone on my lap.
His work ethic, his charm, his looks, his thoughtfulness and concern...he is making me yearn for things with him that I know I can't have.
Not if I want to keep this job.
Plus, there’s no room for him in my future.
Grabbing my purse agitatedly from the seat next to me, I hastily shove my phone inside and turn off my car before exiting. Opening the cottage door, Quinny excitedly comes to greet me. I take her outside for her last pee of the day and look up at the stars.
Sighing deeply, I ask them, "Just what are you trying to do to me and just what do you have in store for me?"
Silence is the only reply.
After Quinny quickly relieves herself, I lift her up to head back inside. I wash my face and brush my teeth before changing into my old worn pj's and climb into bed, snuggling Quinny into me as I realize just how physically exhausted I am from my full day.
Along with the emotional swings from the day.
I awaken, still heavily groggy, the next morning to soft knocking. Stumbling to the door, I pull it open without thinking to look first.
Lucas is standing there in the pre-dawn light, looking gorgeous in his all black running attire, and my body immediately reacts to the sight of him as my nipples swell and tighten, between my legs flushing with a heat that I want only him to
His eyes become intense, as if he can sense my arousal for him – the heightened arousal that I only feel around him - as they rake over me from head to toe. My favorite pj’s that consists of a threadbare tank shirt which hides nothing especially with no bra on and tightened nipples, paired with shorts that are suddenly way too short, for the first time, feel inappropriate. Embarrassment floods me even as my nipples tighten further under his gaze. I know he notices that small change but he thankfully brings his eyes back to mine quickly.
"Nice PJ's. Would you like to watch the sunrise?" he murmurs appreciatively, his eyes growing more intense as they hold mine.
Nodding, my embarrassment forgotten about as the intensity grows in his eyes, I respond just as quietly, "I would love to."
"Go change quickly. I'll wait outside with Quinny," he says, breaking the intensity flowing between us, as he stoops to scoop her up, avoiding looking at me further. I feel grateful because if he continued to look at me that way, I would lose all thought, all rationale, and drag him to my bed.
I do as he asks, unable to keep myself from feeling excitement at having the opportunity to start the day with him as I change into yoga pants and a light sweater swiftly, and meet him outside.
His eyes watch me intently as I walk to where he is standing at the beginning of a row of vines as Quinny takes the opportunity to give herself a quick scratch.
Upon reaching him, he smiles, allowing the pleasure of spending the morning with me to reflect in his eyes.
And I know my heart is on the edge of getting into trouble.
But still I follow him through the vines until we reach a small beach area on the lake. It is stunningly beautiful here.
Quinny runs to the water, lightly tapping the water as it licks at her paw.
Lucas drops to the ground and pats the spot next to him in invitation to sit next to him. Breathless, I wonder how I came to be here, sitting next to this man, beginning the day together as we watch the sun rise over the lake.
We don't say a word, each of us in comfortable silence, but yet so very aware of each other.
You shouldn’t be here, - my head tries to silently warn me.